Friday, March 19, 2010

Is god of islam deceiver?

Hi, Readers here are some of the interesting things islam and its sharia law says about deception. I can bet most of muslims might not be aware of these.

In Koran, Sura 3:54

The Iraqi Information minister quoted Sura 3:54, saying that "Allah was the best of deceivers". What actually is this word?

Sura 3:54 says that Allah "makara." The Arabic word makara means to deceive, scheme, or plan. The Arabic Bible in Genesis 3:1 uses the same word for Satan. However, the Vand Dyck and Jerusalem Bibles use the root word hayala.

This word "schemer" (maakir) is a very strong word which Wehr and Abdel-Nour define as "sly, cunning, wily". The Arabic-Arabic unjid defines it with "khuda`a" which means exactly the same thing (by Bill Campbell in his book The Qur'an and the Bible in the Light of History and Science p.217-218).

The phrase of Allah "being the best deceiver". "kheir ol makarein" is also used of Allah in Suras 8:30; 10:22.

Allah is the most deceitful in Sura 3:54 and in Sura 30:8

In sura 10:21 Allah is referred to be the fastest in deceit

Another reference to the deceit of Allah: 7:99

and (they) Deceived and Allah Deceived and Allah is the deceivest of deceivers (Sura 3:54)

Nearly the same in verses 3,54; 8,30; 27,50; 13,42; 10,21; (14,46); (43,79); 86,15f.; 7,100

Translations of Sura 3:54

English translations of the Qur'an seem to conceal the true meaning.

"And (the unbelievers) Plotted and planned, And Allah too planned, And the best of planners Is Allah." (Yusuf Ali 3:54)

"And they devised, and God devised, and God is the best of devisers" (Arberry Sura 3:between 45 and 50

"The unbelievers among the children of Israel plotted against Isa and Allah also devised a plan to raise him up, and Allah is the best in planning." (Malik 3:54)

"And they (the disbelievers) schemed, and Allah schemed (against them); and Allah is the best of schemers." Pickthall 3:54

"And they planned, and Allah also planned; and Allah is the Best of planners." (translated by Maulawi Sher Ali, an Ahmaddiyya)

Yusef Ali, in his version of the Qu'ran, says that Makara can be "good or
bad", positive or negative. ( p. 156, note on Sura 3:54)

In Farsi, the word, "Makr" and "Makar" is from the Arabic, and it apparently is always negative.

Interpretation of Sura 3:54

The person who is a Makir (Same form as the word Kafir) speaking of
the attribute of a person is one who would outwit someone else to cause them harm. It speaks of one who would reveal the opposite of what he plans to do. The reality is that he is scheming evil for that person. So yes there is the sense of planning and scheming but mostly it means to trick, outwit and deceive for the purpose of overpowering and conquering the other. A Makir is one who devises a secret scheme against someone else. Synonyms would be cheating, defrauding, double-crossing, deceiving, tricking, in all cases Makara has the sense of defeating the one you have tricked.

Although Quranic verses are rarely understood in context of verses that surround them, the best meaning I could come up with in the context of the verse before it is that some have pretended to believe because they were trying to deceive Muhammad into believing that they have accepted his message. Muhammad however knew of their scheme because they cannot outwit Allah. So the literal translation that best represents the intention of the verse is: and (they) Deceived and Allah Deceived and Allah is the deceivest of deceivers
Sura 3:54 In Arabic;
Wa Makaru wa makara Allah wa Allah Amkaru al Makireen.

The context of the story is very important. Sura 3 is regarded to be the great dialogue of Muhammad with the Christians. Al Tabari says here that the deceit of Allah applies to the time where the Jews wanted to kill Isa the son of Mary. In order not to be killed someone had the face of Isa put on him so he was killed instead of Isa the son of Mary. This is how Allah deceived the Jews.

Strikingly when it comes to the cross the very central part of biblical teaching Allah is called khayr ulmakirin the most deceitful. Some one
wnats to conceal that he lost the battle on the cross! Here the true nature of Allah is revealed!

The Hadiths

Telling flattering lies to make peace is OK! "He who makes peace between the people by inventing good information or saying good things, is not a liar." Bukhari vol.3:857 p.533

"Narrated Jabir : The Prophet said, 'Who is ready to kill Ka'b bin Ashraf (i.e. a Jew).' Muhammad bin Maslama replied, 'Do you like me to kill him?' The Prophet replied in the affirmative. Muhammad bin Maslama said, 'Then allow me to say what I like.' [i.e. to lie]. The Prophet replied 'I do (i.e. allow you).'" Bukhari vol.4:271 p.168

Bukhari vol.3:687 p.415 "Narrated Jabir bin 'Abdullah Allah's Apostle said, 'Who would kill Ka'b bin Al-Ashraf as has harmed Allah and His Apostle? Muhammad bin Maslama (got up and) said, 'I will kill him.' So, Muhammad bin Maslama went to Ka'b and said, 'I want a loan of one or two Wasqs of foodgrains.'" After dickering over what to hold as mortgage, they agreed that Muhammad bin Maslama would mortgage his weapons. So he promised him that he would come with his weapons next time."

Bukhari vol.5:360 p.248

Sahih Muslim vol.3:4436 p.990-991

War is guile. Ibn-i-Majah vol.4:2833 p.181

Allah Deceived the Jews, and His Deception of Christians Has Been Complete Ever Since

When Allah allegedly had only the appearance of Jesus die on the cross, that deceived the Jews who thought they had crucified him.

Allah Deceives Even Muslims

"...and then only this nation (i.e., Muslims) will remain, including their hypocrites. Allah will come to them in a shape other than they know and will say, 'I am your Lord.' They will say, 'We seek refuge with Allah from you. This is our place; (we will not follow you) till our Lord comes to us, and when our Lord comes to us, we will recognise Him.' Then Allah will come to them in a shape they know and will say, 'I am your Lord.' They will say, (no doubt) You are our Lord,' and they will follow Him." Bukhari vol.8:577 p.375. Bukhari vol.9:532 p.395-396 says the same thing. See also Sahih Muslim vol.1:349 p.115.

Now one Muslim observed that the word "deceive" is not present in the quote, Allah did not speak any lying words, and this occurs in Heaven, not on earth. However, it is not required that the word "deceives" be used to deceive people, as when Allah impersonated one who is not Allah. Those who believed Allah's words when Allah chose to be in this false shape go to Hell. If this is not deception, then what is? We can all agree that this hadith teaches that at a future time Allah will deliberately misrepresent himself to Muslims in a "shape other than they know".

What is Allah's shape? I have not (yet) heard a Muslim say, but here is what Bukhari vol.9:532 p.396 tells us. "When there remain only those who used to worship Allah (Alone), both the obedient ones and the mischievous ones, [and they will say] 'and now we are waiting for our Lord.' Then the Almighty will come to them in a shape other than that which they saw the first time, and He will says, 'I am your Lord,' and they will say, 'You are not our Lord.' And none will speak to Him then but the Prophets, and then it will be said to them, 'Do you know any sign by which you can recognize Him?' They will say, 'The Shin,' and so Allah will then uncover His Shin whereupon every believer will prostrate before Him and there will remain those who used to prostrate before Him just for showing off and for gaining good reputation. These people will try to prostrate but their backs will be rigid like one piece of a wood (and they will not be able to prostrate). Then the bridge will be laid across Hell,."

So, despite what Muslims today might say, Bukhari says that Allah will have a true physical form I Heaven, and Allah himself will also appear to Muslims in a false physical form, as sort of a temptation to them. In contrast, James 1:13 says, "When tempted, no one should say, 'God is tempting me.' For God cannot be tempted by evil, nor does he tempt anyone."

So I am asking muslims did allah Deceive You Too?

Clem Denial

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Is god of islam confused?

As I promised before I will expose the reality of islam in my posts on this blog. I want to show my readers how allah the god of islam is confused. As my Christian reader know who Angel Gabriel is. Angel Gabriel is mentioned in Gospel of Luke. Based on 2 passages of Gospel of Luke, Christians and muslims believe Gabriel to have foretold the birth of both John the Baptist and Jesus. It is cleared in both Christianity and in islam that he is an angel of God. But lets have a look passage from so called word of God "Koran". There are many many passages like that and in all it is mention by same wording.

In koran 97:4

Translation in English from Kanzul Iman

"Therein descend angels and Gabriel (the Spirit) by the command of their Lord for every affair."

In arabic word Al-Ruh for koran is specific for Angel Gabriel. Although Al-Ruh really means "The Spirit". The word Ruh-ul-Moqadas means "The Holy Spirit". this can be check by arabic translation of Bible. Now the question is of common sense, Is Gabriel an Angel or a Spirit? Obviously Gabriel is an Angel then why in koran of islam word Al-Ruh which means spirit is used for Gabriel? Is this make any sense to you;

"Therein descend angels and Gabriel by the command of their Lord for every affair."

Gabriel is separated from Angels in this verse. If Gabriel is an Angel it does not need to mention him separately. God of islam looks confused in this matter as he does not know Gabriel is an Angel.

Now what i think is a little bit different. Actually while koran is told to mohammad by satan, he (satan) told something which is true. Let us put the correct translation for Ruh and see what it means;

"Therein descend angels and the spirit by the command of their Lord for every affair."

Does it make sense now? Yes of course as Jesus said that he will not leave us alone rather than He will ask the Father to send the Holy Spirit. Now it is self explanatory, that by Command of Lord the Holy Spirit comes to us to guide us.

Blessing to all my Christian Family,

Clem Denial

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Why I am Christian Now?

Hi, I Clem Denial is an Ex-Muslim. Now by grace of Lord Jesus and because he loves me I am now Christian. I know there is a question in your mind why i left islam and embrace Christianity. Well it all started when I was start writing a book by name of "DoomsDay in Eye of World Religions". I researched each and every religion for the signs of Doomsday. I covered the topic in reference of Judaism and Christianity in the beginning like let say 2 to 3 days. But when it comes to islamic section i was amazed while researching at one hadith (Authentic by all school of thoughts in islam). The hadith as such is an ordinary one about the antichrist or dajjal (as in islam) but it have many signs in itself. Let see what that hadith is;

From book shih-muslim,

'Amir Ibn Sharahil Sha'bi Sha'b Hamdan reported that he asked Fatima bint Qays, the sister of Dahhak Ibn Qays, who was one of the first Muhajirat, "Tell me a Hadith which you heard directly from the Prophet with no narrator in between." She said, "I can tell you if you like." He said, 'Yes, please tell me," she said, "I married Ibn al-Mughirah, who was one of the best of the youth of Quraysh in those days. But he fell in the first Jihad on the side of the Prophet. "When I became a widow, 'Abd al-Rahman Ibn 'Awf, one of the companions of the Prophet sent me a proposal of marriage. The Prophet also sent me a proposal of marriage on behalf of his freedman Usamah Ibn Zayd. I had been told that the Prophet had said, 'He who loves me should also love Usamah.' When the Prophet spoke to me, I said, 'It is up to you: marry me to whomever you wish.' "The Prophet said, 'Go and stay with Umm Sharik.' Umm Sharik was a rich Ansari (Muslim originally from Madina) woman, who spent much in the way of Allah and entertained many guests. I said, 'I will do as you wish.' Then he said, 'Don't go. Umm Sharik has many guests, and I would not like it if your head or leg were to become uncovered accidentally and people saw something you would not wish them to see. It is better if you go and stay with your cousin 'Abdullah Ibn 'Amr Ibn Umm Maktum' ('Abdullah was of the Banu Fihr of Quraysh, the same tribe as that to which Fatima belonged).

"So I went to stay with him, and when I had completed my 'Iddah (period of waiting), I heard the Prophet's announcer calling for congregational prayer. I went out to the mosque, and prayed behind the Prophet. I was in the women's row, which was at the back of the congregation. When the Prophet had finished his prayer, he sat on the pulpit, smiling, and said, 'Everyone should stay in his place.' Then he said, 'Do you know why I had asked you to assemble?' The people said, 'Allah and His Messenger know best.' "He said, 'By Allah, I have not gathered you here to give you an exhortation or a warning. I have kept you here because Tamim al-Dari, a Christian man who has come and embraced Islam, told me something which agrees with that which I have told you about the Dajjal. He told me that he had sailed in a ship with 30 men from Banu Lakhm and Banu Judham. The waves had tossed them about for a month, then they were brought near to an island, at the time of sunset. They landed on the island, and were met by a beast who was so hairy that they could not tell its front from its back.
They said, "Woe to you! What are you?" It said, "I am al-Jassasah." They said, "What is al-Jassasah?" It said, "O people, go to this man in the monastery, for he is very eager to know about you." Tamim said that when it named a person to us, we were afraid lest it be a devil." Tamim said, 'We quickly went to the monastery. There we found a huge man with his hands tied up to his neck and with iron shackles between his legs up to the ankles. We said, "Woe to you, who are you?" He said, "You will soon know about me. Tell me who you are."
We said, "We are people from
Arabia. We sailed in a ship, but the waves have been tossing us about for a month, and they brought us to your island, where we met a beast who was so hairy that we could not tell its front from its back. We said to it, "Woe to you! What are you? and it said , "I am al-Jassasah." We asked, "What is al-Jassasah?" and it told us, "Go to this man in the monastery, for he is very eager to know about you." So we came to you quickly, fearing that it might be a devil.'
"The man said, "Tell me about the date-palms of Baysan.' We said, 'What do you want to know about them?" He said, 'I want to know whether these trees bear fruit or not.' We said, 'Yes.' He said, 'Soon they will not bear fruit.' Then he said, "Tell me about the lake of al-Tabariyyah [Tiberias, in
Palestine].' We said, 'What do you want to know about it?" He asked, 'Is there water in it?' We said, 'There is plenty of water in it.' He said, 'Soon it will become dry.' Then he said, 'Tell me about the spring of Zughar.' We said, 'What do you want to know about it?' He said, 'Is there water in it, and does it irrigate the land?" We said, 'Yes, there is plenty of water in it, and the people use it to irrigate the land.' "Then he said, "Tell me about the unlettered Prophet ' what has he done?' We said, 'He has left Makkah and settled in Yathrib.' He asked, 'Do the Arabs fight against him?' We said, 'Yes.' He said, 'How does he deal with them?' So we told him that the Prophet had overcome the Arabs around him and that they had followed him. He asked, 'Has it really happened?' We said, 'Yes.'He said, 'It is better for them if they follow him. Now I will tell you about myself. I am the Dajjal. I will soon be permitted to leave this place: I will emerge and travel about the earth. In 40 nights I will pass through every town, except Makkah and Madina, for these have been forbidden to me. Every time I try to enter either of them, I will be met by an angel bearing an unsheathed sword, who will prevent me from entering. There will be angels guarding them at every passage leading to them.'
Fatima said, "The Prophet striking the pulpit with his staff, said: 'This is Tayyibah, this is Tayyibah, this is Tayyibah, [ie Madina]. Have I not told you something like this?' The people said, 'Yes.' He said, 'I liked the account given to me by Tamim because it agrees with that which I have told you about the Dajjal, and about Makkah and Madina. Indeed he is in the Syrian sea or the Yemen sea. No, on the contrary, he is in the East, he is in the East, he is in the East' and he pointed towards the East. Fatima said: I memorised this from the Prophet."

Now antichrist or dajjal saying above that "It is better for them if they follow him". I also bold it above. Kindly take a note of this what antichrist or dajjal said in above hadith. How let us see other authentic hadith of mohammad.

Anas Ibn Malik said, "The Prophet said, 'there has never been a Prophet who did not warn his people against that one-eyed liar. Verily he is one-eyed and your Lord is not one-eyed. On his forehead will be written the letter Kaf, Fa, Ra (Kafir).'" (Muslim, al-Bukhari)

Now let us see what is the meaning of dajjal;

Dajjal means Liar or Deceiver
Dajjal means someone who conceal the reality of something

As mohammad said and as the meaning dajjal it is cleared he is a liar. i want the readers to go back above and read what dajjal said!

he said, It is better for them if they follow him

Now the question is how come a liar tell truth to that Christian men? He is lying and lying means he is saying opposite what is truth. Got my point?

This hadith forced me to think about the reality of islam. I began to read Bible & Torah (These books are prohibited in islam to read). Load Jesus helped me in understanding the Bible and by his book He showed me right path. Now there are many question i have in my mind about islam which i know no one can answer because there are no answer. The islam is based on lies. By the time i will show the reality of islam.

Thanks to Jesus again for showing me the right path of life. Need your prayers my Christian Brothers & Sister.

Clem Denial